[HOpenGL] OpenGL and GLUT packages on Windows cause undefeined reference problem if build theirs myself

shelarcy shelarcy at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 10:55:57 EDT 2007

I checked that latest Sigbjorn's snapshot (ghc-6.7.20070314.20070314)
is also works well.
So we're not afraid of any problem on Windows.


On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 00:58:14 +0900, Sven Panne <sven.panne at aedion.de> wrote:
>> Some (early morning & obvious) guesses that might explain
>> the difference in behaviour:
>> - one version is compiled via the NCG, the other via-C
>>    (i.e., the latter gets its calling conventions from the header files.)
> I think this might it explain it best, so I'll commit those patches.

shelarcy <shelarcy    capella.freemail.ne.jp>

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