[HOpenGL] Re: GL.BufferObjects patch request (1-liner)

Sven Panne Sven.Panne at aedion.de
Thu Apr 30 12:43:28 EDT 2009

Am Dienstag, 28. April 2009 23:42:55 schrieb Neal Alexander:
> [...]
> Or just separate the package into a direct C-API translation (with some
> haskell style error handling), then build a higher level haskell API
> ontop of it (withXXXX functions, added type safety, etc) - maybe even as
> a seperate hackage library.

Separating the OpenGL library into two layers would be a dream, but it won't 
happen until the OpenGL ARB manages to release a consistent, machine-usable, 
complete specification of the OpenGL API. The .spec files really, really suck, 
they need a lot of manual work to make them usable, are incomplete and 
redundant at the same time, and do not contain enough information for some 
important purposes. The Mesa3D project described them once as a P.I.T.A., 
which is exactly my opinion, too... *sigh*


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