[HOpenGL] Raw generator and performance

Fabian Binz fabianbinz at yahoo.de
Fri Aug 24 14:07:58 CEST 2012

Hi list,


I have two questions: 


1. What is holding the release of OpenGLRawGen (see [1]) back? I tried it
and it works quite well, although there seems to be a problem with at least
some functions: glGenVertexArrays and the related functions are not exported
by any core module, although it's part of the core since OpenGL 3.0. I tried
to find the source of this error in the code, but the codebase is quite big
and I still don't know where things go wrong.


2. Looking at the source of HSOpenGLRaw.c it seems to be quite costly to
call OpenGL functions, because every time the function pointer has to be
retrieved. Or does GetProcAdress (or the equivalent on Mac and Linux) cache
previous results? Other librarys (like GLEW or gl3w for C) load the
functions pointers once at initialization (which has of course to be done
explicitly unlike in HOpenGL), which I guess is for efficiency reasons.


[1] http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/hopengl/2012-January/001073.html

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