Is this a bug?

Johan Nordlander
Tue, 13 Mar 2001 11:42:39 -0800

Jon Fairbairn wrote:
> I think so.  The language grammar requires (if I read it
> correctly) that the expr in an aexp of the form (op
> expr) have a higher priority than op.
> On Mon, 12 Mar 2001 wrote:
> > So why is (^2*3) not equvalent to \a->a^2*3 ?
> Because it's being parsed as (^(2*3)) when it should be
> rejected.
>   J=F3n

Yes, this is one of a few known and relatively insignificant differences
between Hugs 98 and the Haskell report.  See further the Hugs manual,
section 9.1:

All the best,