Time library discussion (reprise)

Ketil Malde ketil+haskell at ii.uib.no
Wed Nov 12 13:22:58 EST 2003

"Simon Marlow" <simonmar at microsoft.com> writes:

> -- | A representation of absolute time, measured as picoseconds since
> --   the epoch, where the epoch is 1 January 1970 00:10 TAI.
> data ClockTime -- abstract
>   instance of (Eq, Ord, Num, Enum, Integral, Show, Read)
> -- | returns the current absolute time
> getClockTime :: IO ClockTime

The advantage (what I tried to say in my previous message) is that
something like

        t1 <- getClockTime
        t2 <- getClockTime
        print ("Elapsed time: "++ show (t2-t1)++" seconds")

would work correctly, and not just work "most of the time", like it
would with UTC.

> data Timezone -- abstract

> -- | Make a 'Timezone' from an offset, in seconds relative to UTC,
> -- which must be smaller in magnitude than @+/-12*60*60 at .
> timezoneFromUTCOffset :: Int -> Timezone

Don't you also need a specific time?  We have UTC+0100 in the winter,
but +0200 in summer (or was it the other way around? :-)

Perhaps we should separate between Timezones (the TLAs) and their
offsets.  We could have a

        localTime :: Timezone -> ClockTime -> CalendarTime 

and make the offset, but not TZ, a part of CalendarTime.  Would it
then make (more) sense to compare CalendarTimes?  At least it wouldn't
need to involve timezone tables.

        data Timezone = UTC | GMT | PDT ... deriving ...
        data TZOffset = -- abstract (or just an Int)
        instance Num TZOffset -- auto conversion from int, etc
        tzToOffset :: Timezone -> TZOffset

>  TODO: add isDSTCalendarTime? (returns True if the specified
>  CalendarTime is in daylight savings).  How do we say "what's the
>  current timezone in X", taking into account DST?


>    - Need to define the meaning when the offset doesn't exist.
>      eg. adding a day at the end of the month clearly rolls over
>      into the next month.  But what about adding a month to
>      January 31st?

Perhaps it would be possible to have a more flexible system, where one
could specify things like the last day of the month, the second
Wednesday every second month, and so on?  Not sure how it would look,

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