Extending Cabal

Henrik Nilsson nhn at Cs.Nott.AC.UK
Thu May 12 12:34:06 EDT 2005

Hi all,

Simon Marlow wrote:

 > It's a trivial change to make, it doesn't break anything, and it lets
 > us support more existing projects without substantial reorganisation
 > of their file structure.  Sounds like a no-brainer to me.

I've never liked the close de-facto connection between the hierarchical
module name space and and the actual source tree. In fact, at times,
in the Yampa build system, I tried very hard to work around that
connection (as Simon might recall, something involving allowing "." in
file names as an alternative to subdirectories, I believe). The proposal
seems like a step in the right direction. Go for it!


Henrik Nilsson
School of Computer Science and Information Technology
The University of Nottingham
nhn at cs.nott.ac.uk

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