ANN: network-alt 0.3 and hsgnutls 0.2.1

Einar Karttunen ekarttun at
Mon Nov 7 05:01:25 EST 2005

On 07.11 08:16, Tomasz Zielonka wrote:
> > > Does it make sense to have the address type in there?
> > > Most of the time high level applications should not
> > > care whether the socket is IPv4 or IPv6 (or something
> > > entirely else).
> Sometimes applications exchange host addresses between
> themselves, consider a distributed system like DNS or
> a peer-to-peer network.

Which is entirely possible. Just use getHost and getService -
they should produce values which can be fed back to getAddrInfo.

Here is a scetch of a higher level API, does this implement
what you were after - and how to make this better?

newtype IPv4Address = IPv4 Word32
newtype IPv6Address = IPv6 Word128
newtype UnixAddress = Unix String   -- Find a better name
newtype AnyAddress  = AnyAddr (SocketType,SocketAddress)

class Resolver addrt where
  resolve :: String -> Flags -> IO [addrt]
  resolveReverse :: addrt -> Flags -> IO [String]

instance Resolver IPv4Address where ...
-- And the same for the rest

type Service = String -- or would Word16 be better?

class Connect addr where
  connectStream :: addrt -> Service -> IO Socket
  connectDgram  :: addrt -> Service -> IO Socket
  sendDGramString :: addrt -> Service -> String -> IO ()

- Einar Karttunen

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