using ghc with make

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at
Thu Apr 20 04:57:10 EDT 2006

[ moving to libraries at from glasgow-haskell-users at ]

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 4:45:19 PM, you wrote:
>>Believe me I've looked in detail at your streams library.
>>Performance-wise it is great but the design needs to be reworked IMO.
>>The main problem is that it doesn't have enough type structure.  There
>>are many combinations of stream transformers that don't make sense, and
>>should therefore be ruled out by the type system.  There are operations
>>that don't work on some streams.  There should at the least be a type 
>>distinction between directly accessible memory streams, byte streams, 
>>and text streams.  Additionally I would add separate classes for 
>>seekable and buffered streams.  I believe these changes would improve 
>>performance by reducing the size of dictionaries.
> you have written this in February, but this discussion was not
> finished due to my laziness. now i tried to split Stream interface to
> several parts. so

I've attached a sketched design.  It doesn't compile, but it illustrates 
the structure I have in mind.  The main improvement since the new-io 
library is the addition of memory streams.  This is an idea from your 
library and I like it a lot, although I changed the type of the methods:

-- | An input stream accessed directly via a memory buffer.
-- Ordinary 'InputStream's may be converted to 'MemInputStream's by
-- adding buffering; see 'bufferInputStream'.
class MemInputStream s where
   -- | Consume some bytes from the memory stream.  The second argument
   -- is an IO action that is passed a buffer and its size (the size must
   -- be non-zero), and it should return the number of bytes consumed.
   withStreamInputBuffer :: s -> (Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int) -> IO ()

-- | An output stream accessed directly via a memory buffer.
-- Ordinary 'OutputStream's may be converted to 'MemOutputStream's by
-- adding buffering; see 'bufferOutputStream'.
class MemOutputStream s where
   -- | Write some bytes to a memory stream.  The second argument
   -- is an IO action that is passed a buffer and its size (the size must
   -- be non-zero), and it should return the number of bytes written.
   withStreamOutputBuffer :: s -> (Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int) -> IO ()

> 1) that you think - Stream should be base for all other stream classes
> or each Stream class should be independent? i.e.

Superclasses aren't necessary, but they might help to reduce the size of 
contexts in practice.  We should probably experiment with both.

> 2) separation of Stream classes make some automatic definitions
> impossible. for example, released version contains vGetBuf
> implementation that is defined via vGetChar and works ok for streams
> that provide only vGetChar as base function.

No class should implement both reading bytes and reading chars. 
Encoding/decoding should be a stream transformer that turns a byte 
stream into a text stream.  So there's no duplication of these methods.

I believe splitting up the classes should lead to less duplication, not 
more, partly because you don't have to implement a lot of methods that 
don't do anything or are errors (eg. writing to an input stream).  I 
admit I haven't actually written all the code, though.

> 3) the problems are substantially growed now - when i tried to
> separate input and output streams (the same will apply to detaching of
> seekable streams into the separate class). the problem is what i need
> either to provide 2 or 3 separate implementations for buffering of
> read-only, write-only and read-write streams or have some universal
> definition that should work even when base Stream don't provide part
> of operations. the last seems to be impossible - may be i don't
> understand enough Haskell's class system?
> let's see:
> data BufferedStream h = Buf h ....
> vClose (Buf h ...) = vPutBuf ... - flush buffer's contents
> how i can implement this if `h` may not support vPutBuf operation?
> especially to allow read/write streams to work???

You can only buffer a byte stream.  See my sketch design.

> 4) what you mean by "There are many combinations of stream
> transformers that don't make sense" ? splitting Stream class to the
> BlockStream/TextStream/ByteStream or something else?

Yes - adding decoding to a TextStream doesn't make sense.  Directly 
accessing the memory of a byte stream doesn't make sense: you need to 
buffer it first, or use a memory-mapped stream.

It is still possible to implement read/write files using this structure. 
  There's nothing stopping you having an type that is an instance of 
both InputStream and OutputStream (eg. a read/write file), and layering 
buffering on top of this would yield a buffered input/output stream in 
which the buffer contains only input or output data.

-------------- next part --------------
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -cpp #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  System.IO.Stream
-- Copyright   :  (c) various
-- License     :  see libraries/base/LICENSE
-- Maintainer  :  simonmar at
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (existentials, ghc extensions)
-- InputStreams and OutputStreams are classes of objects which support
-- input and output respectively.  Streams can be layered on top of various
-- underlying I/O objects (such as files or sockets).  Stream transformers
-- can be applied to turn streams of one type into streams of another type.

module System.IO.Stream (
  -- * Streams
  {-class-} Stream(..),
  {-class-} InputStream(..),
  {-class-} OutputStream(..),
  streamGet, streamReadBuffer,
  streamPut, streamWriteBuffer,

  -- * Stream connections
  PipeInputStream, PipeOutputStream,

  -- * Memory streams
  {-class-} MemInputStream,
  {-class-} MemOutputStream,

  -- ** Converting memory streams to I/O streams
  MemToInputStream, memToInputStream,
  MemToOutputStream, memToOutputStream,

  -- * Buffering
  BufferedInputStream, bufferIntputStream,
  BufferedOutputStream, bufferOutputStream,
  ) where

import System.IO.Buffer

import Foreign
import Data.Word	( Word8 )
import System.IO 	( BufferMode(..) )
import System.IO.Error  ( mkIOError, eofErrorType )
import Control.Exception ( assert )
import Control.Monad	( when, liftM )
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.IORef

import GHC.Exts
import GHC.Ptr		( Ptr(..) )
import GHC.IOBase	( IO(..), ioException )
import GHC.Handle	( ioe_EOF )

#define UPK  {-# UNPACK #-} !

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Streams

class Stream s where
   -- | closes a stream
   closeStream :: s -> IO ()
   -- | returns 'True' if the stream is open
   streamIsOpen :: s -> IO Bool

   -- | ToDo: objections have been raised about this method, and
   -- are still to be resolved.  It doesn't make as much sense
   -- for output streams as it does for input streams.
   streamIsEOS :: s -> IO Bool

   -- | Returns 'True' if there is data available to read from this
   -- stream.  Returns 'False' if either there is no data available, or
   -- the end of the stream has been reached.
   streamReady :: s -> IO Bool

   -- | Returns the number of bytes that can be transfered to/from
   -- this stream, if known.
   streamRemaining :: s -> IO (Maybe Integer)

-- | An 'InputStream' is a basic I/O object which supports reading a
-- stream of 'Word8's.  It is expected that 'InputStream's are unbuffered:
-- buffering is layered on top of one of these.
class Stream s => InputStream s where
   -- | Grabs data without blocking, but only if there is data available.
   -- If there is none, then waits for some.  This function may only
   -- return zero if either the requested length is zero or the end of stream
   -- has been reached.
   streamReadBufferNonBlocking  :: s -> Integer -> Ptr Word8 -> IO Integer

-- | Reads a single 'Word8' from a stream.
streamGet :: InputStream s => s -> IO Word8
streamGet s =
  alloca $ \p -> do
     r <- streamReadBufferNonBlocking s 1 p
     if r == 0 then ioe_EOF else peek p
-- | Reads data from the stream into a 'Buffer'.  Returns the
-- number of elements that were read, which may only be less than the
-- requested length if the end of the stream was reached.
streamReadBuffer :: InputStream s => s -> Integer -> Ptr Word8 -> IO Integer
streamReadBuffer s 0 buf = return 0
streamReadBuffer s len ptr = streamReadBufferLoop s ptr 0 (fromIntegral len)

	:: InputStream s => s -> Ptr Word8
	-> Integer -> Integer -> IO Integer
streamReadBufferLoop s ptr off len = do
  r <- streamReadBufferNonBlocking s len ptr
  if r == 0
     then return (fromIntegral off)
     else if (r < len)
	     then streamReadBufferLoop s 
			(ptr `plusPtr` fromIntegral r) (off+r) (len-r)
	     else return (off+r)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Output streams

class Stream s => OutputStream s where
   -- | Writes data to an output stream.  It will write at least one
   -- byte, but will only write further bytes if it can do so without 
   -- blocking.
   -- The result may never be 0 if the requested write size was > 0.
   -- If no bytes can be written to the stream, then the
   -- 'streamWriteBufferNonBlocking' should raise an exception
   -- indicating the cause of the problem (eg. the stream is closed).
   streamWriteBufferNonBlocking :: s -> Integer -> Ptr Word8 -> IO Integer

-- | Writes a single byte to an output stream.
streamPut :: OutputStream s => s -> Word8 -> IO ()
streamPut s word = with word $ \p -> streamWriteBuffer s 1 p

-- | Writes data to a stream, only returns when all the data has been
-- written.
streamWriteBuffer :: OutputStream s => s -> Integer -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
streamWriteBuffer s 0   ptr = return ()
streamWriteBuffer s len ptr = streamWriteBufferLoop s ptr 0 len

	:: OutputStream s => s -> Ptr Word8
	-> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
streamWriteBufferLoop s ptr off len =
  seq off $ -- strictness hack
  if len == 0
	then return ()
	else do
  r <- streamWriteBufferNonBlocking s len ptr
  assert (r /= 0) $ do
  if (r < len)
	then streamWriteBufferLoop s (ptr `plusPtr` fromIntegral r)
		(off+r) (len-r)
	else return ()

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Connecting streams

data PipeInputStream
data PipeOutputStream

instance Stream PipeInputStream -- ToDo
instance InputStream PipeInputStream -- ToDo

instance Stream PipeOutputStream -- ToDo
instance OutputStream PipeOutputStream -- ToDo

streamPipe :: IO (PipeInputStream, PipeOutputStream)
streamPipe = error "unimplemented: streamOutputToInput"

-- | Takes an output stream and an input stream, and pipes all the
-- data from the former into the latter.
streamConnect :: (OutputStream o, InputStream i) => o -> i -> IO ()
streamConnect = error "unimplemented: streamInputToOutput"

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Memory streams

-- | An input stream accessed directly via a memory buffer. 
-- Ordinary 'InputStream's may be converted to 'MemInputStream's by
-- adding buffering; see 'bufferInputStream'.
class MemInputStream s where
  -- | Consume some bytes from the memory stream.  The second argument
  -- is an IO action that is passed a buffer and its size (the size must
  -- be non-zero), and it should return the number of bytes consumed.
  withStreamInputBuffer :: s -> (Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int) -> IO ()

-- | An output stream accessed directly via a memory buffer.
-- Ordinary 'OutputStream's may be converted to 'MemOutputStream's by
-- adding buffering; see 'bufferOutputStream'.
class MemOutputStream s where
  -- | Write some bytes to a memory stream.  The second argument
  -- is an IO action that is passed a buffer and its size (the size must
  -- be non-zero), and it should return the number of bytes written.
  withStreamOutputBuffer :: s -> (Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int) -> IO ()

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- A memory stream can be converted to an ordinary byte stream

newtype MemToInputStream  s = MemToInputStream  s
  deriving (Stream, MemInputStream)

newtype MemToOutputStream s = MemToOutputStream s
  deriving (Stream, MemOutputStream)

-- Rationale: what we really want is
--    instance MemInputStream s => InputStream s
-- but that overlaps.  So instead we provide a way to convert
-- every MemInputStream into something that is an instance of
-- InputStream.

instance InputStream  (MemToInputStream  s) where
instance OutputStream (MemToOutputStream s) where

memToInputStream  :: MemInputStream  s => MemToInputStream s
memToInputStream = MemToInputStream

memToOutputStream :: MemOutputStream s => MemToOutputStream s
memToOutputStream = MemToOutputStream

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Buffering

-- | Operations on a stream with a buffer
class Buffered s where
   -- | Sets the buffering mode on the stream.  Returns 'True' if
   -- the buffereing mode was set, or 'False' if it wasn't.  If the
   -- stream does not support buffering, it may return 'False'.
   setBufferMode :: s -> BufferMode -> IO Bool
   -- | Returns the current buffering mode for a stream.  On a 
   -- stream that does not support buffering, the result will always
   -- be 'NoBuffering'.
   getBufferMode :: s -> IO BufferMode

   -- | Returns the number of bytes of data in the buffer
   countBufferedBytes :: s -> IO Int

-- | Operations on an output stream with a buffer
class OutputBuffered s where
   -- | Flushes the buffer to the operating system
   flush :: s -> IO ()
   -- | Flushes the buffered data as far as possible, even to the
   -- physical media if it can.  It returns 'True' if the data
   -- has definitely been flushed as far as it can go: to the 
   -- disk for a disk file, to the screen for a terminal, and so on.
   sync :: s -> IO Bool

-- | Operations on an input stream with a buffer
class InputBuffered s where
   -- | Discards the input buffer
   discard :: s -> IO ()

   -- | Pushes back the buffered data, if possible.  Returns 'True' if
   -- the buffer could be pushed back, 'False' otherwise.
   pushback :: s -> IO Bool
	-- TODO: Seekable superclass allows pushback?

-- | An 'InputStream' with buffering added
data BufferedInputStream  s = BufferedInputStream  s BufferMode !(IORef (Buffer Word8))

-- | An 'OutputStream' with buffering added
data BufferedOutputStream s = BufferedOutputStream s BufferMode !(IORef (Buffer Word8))

bufferSize :: BufferMode -> Int
bufferSize (BlockBuffering (Just size)) = size
bufferSize _ = dEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE

-- | Add buffering to an 'InputStream'
bufferInputStream :: InputStream  s => s -> BufferMode -> BufferedInputStream  s
bufferInputStream stream bmode = do
   buffer <- allocateBuffer (bufferSize bmode)
   r <- newIORef buffer
   return (BufferedInputStream stream bmode r)

-- | Add buffering to an 'OutputStream'
bufferOutputStream :: OutputStream s => s -> BufferedOutputStream s
bufferOutputStream stream bmode = do
   buffer <- allocateBuffer (bufferSize bmode)
   r <- newIORef buffer
   return (BufferedOutputStream stream bmode r)

instance Stream s => MemInputStream (BufferedInputStream s) where
  withStreamInputBuffer b@(BufferedInputStream s bmode ref) action = do
    buffer <- readIORef ref
    if emptyBuffer buffer
	then do buffer' <- fillReadBuffer s buffer
		writeIORef ref buffer'
		withStreamInputBuffer b action
	else do let used = bufferUsed buffer
		count <- withBuffer buffer $ \ptr ->
				action (ptr `plusPtr` bufRPtr buffer) used
		let buffer' = bufferRemove (min used count)
		checkBufferInvariants buffer'
                writeIORef ref $! buffer'

instance Stream s => MemOutputStream (BufferedOutputStream s) where
  withStreamOutputBuffer b@(BufferedOutputStream s bmode ref) action = do
    buffer <- readIORef ref
    let avail = bufferAvailable buffer
    count <- withBuffer buffer $ \ptr ->
			action (ptr `plusPtr` bufWPtr buffer) avail
    let buffer' = bufferAdd (max count avail)
    if fullBuffer buffer'
	then do writeBuffer s buffer; writeIORef ref (emptyBuffer buffer')
	else writeIORef ref buffer'

instance Stream s => Stream (BufferedInputStream s)
instance Stream s => Stream (BufferedOutputStream s)

instance Buffered (BufferedOutputStream s)
instance OutputBuffered (BufferedOutputStream s)

instance Buffered (BufferedInputStream s)
instance InputBuffered (BufferedInputStream s)

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