Data.ByteString candidate 3

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at
Thu Apr 27 05:25:53 EDT 2006

John Meacham wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 08:19:34PM +1000, Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
>>>Hello Donald,
>>>btw, what will be really useful now, imho, is the interface to
>>>Text.Regex. how about working on it as next stage?
>>This is already done actually, here:
> I have a regex interface to PCRE and some neat typeclass tricks to give
> you perls (=~) operator but much more powerful here.
> It would be nice to get a PCRE binding in the libraries if it is
> available.
> if there is interest in including this in the fptools libraries I can
> revisit and clean-up/modernize the code.

Actually yes, I did intend to replace/extend Text.Regex with JRegex at 
some point.  Plus we can include PCRE, since it has a BSD license - 
maybe it can replace the POSIX regex implementation that we have in GHC 
right now (which was taken from FreeBSD's libc).

I imagine doing this as part of the library reorg we have planned for 


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