[Haskell-cafe] strange stack overflow with Data.Map

Christian Maeder maeder at tzi.de
Mon Jan 2 07:14:46 EST 2006

Adrian Hey wrote:
> On Friday 30 Dec 2005 10:33 am, Christian Maeder wrote:
>> P.S. left-biasing for Set.intersection still needs to be checked in
>> (I've sent a patch some time ago)
> Perhaps I'm missing something, but union seems to have the same problem.
> Maybe someone should review all this code to see if implementations
> are consistent with the Haddock (preferably someone who understands
> more about how it works than I do :-).

Yes, you're right! union is not left-biased although that is explicitly 
documented so in the header.

Either we give up the control of biasing or fix union, too. (I've found 
no other function were biasing would matter, unions will be ok if union 
is.) I could supply a patch for union if needed.

Cheers Christian

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