xml in fptools?

S. Alexander Jacobson alex at alexjacobson.com
Tue May 30 17:22:03 EDT 2006

The problem with the infoset is that <textarea></textarea> and 
<textarea/> mean different things for some web browsers.

Haskell has all these great grammar tools.  Is there any reason we 
can't use one of them and just treat XML as a lexer?

Do we need to validate incoming XML?  Or can we assume it is okay?


S. Alexander Jacobson tel:917-770-6565 http://alexjacobson.com

On Fri, 26 May 2006, Graham Klyne wrote:

> S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
>> Can we talk about Haskell use cases?  It seems like we want different
>> APIs for parsing, transforming, and producing XML.
> My use case was this:
> To parse XML from some internal or external source (resolving internal and maybe
> external entities), yielding a structure that was recognizable like the XML
> infoset, which I then used to write an XMl->RDF parser based closely on the RDF
> syntax specification (which is defined in terms of the infoset).
> Which suggests, in response to Malcolm, that an internal representation might
> usefully be based on the XML infoset specification.  A number of web standards
> define XML -based languages in terms of the infoset, so that irrelevant
> difference in the character-level syntax don't get in the way (e.g. <x></x> vs
> <x/>).
> Also, as I write, I'm on my way back from WWW2006, where there has been much
> talk of "microformats" and RDFa, both of which layer machine readable data on
> top ox XML syntax as a way of merging HTML with "semantic" content.  For these
> cases, I think that access to the XML data model is needed.  In summary, I think
> there are significant numbers of cases where what we are trying to get at is not
> the XML structure represented as Haskell data types, but something encoded using
> XML structures, those being what one might want to yield a Haskell data type.
> So I'd be wary of saying that we don't want access to the XML structure per se.
> #g
> -- 
> Graham Klyne
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