Adding System.FilePath

Bulat Ziganshin bulat.ziganshin at
Fri Mar 16 05:27:04 EDT 2007

Hello Artem,

> With FPS i did use the library with GHC 6.4 by fetching and installing
> it via Cabal, and with GHC 6.6 it is shipped (thanks for that!). The 
> same might be done to FilePath: those who need it before GHC 6.8 will 
> fetch and install it manually (or via hackage), and those who use GHC 
> 6.8 will have it out of the box.

> P.S.
> I think it should be possible to install the fresh version of FPS and 
> GHC compiler should be smart enough to link both the old version (if it
> is required by some other part of the base) and the new one...

well, i should explain the situation. first, there is no problem to
include FPS as *separate* library in GHC and actually 6.6 provides
lots of such libs (including ones that was not shipped with 6.4). you
don't need to download/install these libraries too

FPS is different - it was made a part of base library and this means
1) that .cabal files for libs/apps that uses fps should be different
for ghc 6.4 and 6.6
2) that i can't upgrade to newer fps versions
3) that fps versions with api changes can't be used at all with 6.6!

all that i propose is to detach fps from base lib and ship it as
separate library *together* with ghc

Best regards,
 Bulat                            mailto:Bulat.Ziganshin at

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