H98 Text IO

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 11:34:50 EST 2008

Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello Simon,
> Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 5:18:17 PM, you wrote:
>> Let's call this one proposal 0:
>> and the others:
> my program now uses 4 different encodings with a manual reeencoding
> between them. it seems that any proposal will break it - now it
> assumes that getChar function just reads 8-bit value and dress it into
> Char

Use openBinaryFile (or hSetBinaryMode) and your program will work with all 
compilers, both before and after this change.

> really, i wonder. afaiu, the phrase "avoid success at any cost"
> has the same double meaning in English as in Russian and now,
> when Haskell got real chances to become widely adopted by industry, it
> seems that we try to avoid it... at any cost

I don't get it - aren't we improving things by providing support for 
non-Latin-1 encodings and unifying the compilers?


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