Feature request: more transparency for Data.Graph.Inductive.NodeMap

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Sun Jun 8 16:17:47 EDT 2008

> hello,
>   would it be possible to add functions to NodeMap for inspecting the 
> contents of the map? I would be particularly interested in a function like
>   toList :: NodeMap a -> [LNode a]
>   If I use a node map m to construct a graph g, then of course 
> (labNodes g) would achieve the same as (toList m), but if I later 
> transform the labels of the graph, say using nmap, then I cannot do it 
> anymore - the connection between old label values and nodes is still a 
> valuable piece of information, but I cannot access it.
> Cheers,
>   Misha

The fgl library is in bad need of a maintainer, so any patches here
would be welcome. If you'd like to start documenting things in haddock,
that would also be great.

So, in summary, if you want something in fgl, submit a patch.

-- Don

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