Adding binary to the Haskell Platform

Sittampalam, Ganesh ganesh.sittampalam at
Thu Aug 6 05:22:10 EDT 2009

Don Stewart wrote:
> Here's a ticket for Simon Marlow's proposal:
> Let's discuss, then have the steering committee recommend yay/nay.

Duncan said:

> It is not the intention that the committee members get much more say
> policy decisions than other active contributors to discussion on the
> libraries mailing list. We hope therefore that the membership of the
> committee does not need to be terribly formal. The only difficulty
> when consensus cannot be reached on an issue where making some
> is widely agreed to be better than making no decision. There is no
> specified protocol for this situation at this stage.

So I'm a bit confused about what the purpose of the steering committee's
recommendation would be. Would it amount to a decision about inclusion,
or an expression of their opinion in the hope of guiding the community
towards a consensus, or something else? The first choice contradicts
what Duncan said was the role of the committee, while the second doesn't
seem any more worthwhile than individual members expressing their own
opinions separately.



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