Recommendations for module hierarchy names for Python parser

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Fri Jan 16 08:18:24 EST 2009

On Fri, 2009-01-16 at 21:53 +1100, Bernie Pope wrote:

> Or would it be better to have something like:
>    Language.Python.Version30
>    Language.Python.Version26
> In general my strategy has been to follow the structure of Language.C,  
> but they appear to only have one version.

There had been some discussion about variants in Language.C. Currently
it does GNU C + C99 but if they were split then the suggestion was:


Of course those are the common names of the versions. For Python where
they are labelled with numbers rather than names then your suggestion of
Language.Python.Version30 or Language.Python.V30 or whatever seems fine.
Do you think it needs both digits? Would V2 and V3 not be enough? Surely
V26 could read code intended for Python-2.4? And similarly a future
Language.Python.V3 module that was compatible with Python-3.1 should
still be able to read code for Python-3.0 right?


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