Bug in Cabal?

Dominic Steinitz dominic.steinitz at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Jan 21 13:01:39 EST 2009

Duncan Coutts <duncan.coutts <at> worc.ox.ac.uk> writes:

> The details are on the hackage trac front page:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hackage/
> If you don't want to register an account you can use the guest account.
> User name is "guest" and password "haskell'" (note the apostrophe at the
> end).

I did try but got the following.

TICKET_CREATE privileges are required to perform this operation

I believe there is some interaction between the proxy we use at work and the 
trac. Other users in our organisation have also had the same problem.

> XP or Vista?


> > Setup.hs: ..\..\haskell_packages\doc\zlib-\.copyFile920.tmp: 
> > permission denied (Access is denied.)
> > 
> > Cabal seesm to create certain things as read only. I can work around this by
> We use System.Directory.copyFile which copies the permissions from the
> original file to the destination file. Could you confirm that this is
> working correctly. Are the permissions of the source and destination
> files exactly the same? Was the source file created read-only?

haskell_packages is empty to start with and the package gets built 
successfully. Attributes are copied over successfully. The actual source files 
*are* read only as they are kept in our source control system which marks them 
this way for unchecked out files. Built files are read / write.

>ls -ltr haskell_packages\doc\zlib-
total 2
-r--r--r--   1 user     group        1327 Jan 21 11:37 LICENSE

When I rebuild the package *without* having cleaned out haskell_packages then I 
get the access error. I think this is because cabal (copyFile) doesn't want to 
overwrite a read only file even though the directory permissions should allow 
it to do so.

> This looks like:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hackage/ticket/454
> But for every file not just .exe files. For .exe files Cabal does the
> permission copying itself. I do not understand why it just started
> occurring, since ghc-6.8 and 6.10 seem to have the same code for
> copyFile and copyPermissions.

I don't seem to have the problem for binaries (because cabal builds them afresh 
with read / write permission) so I don't know if it's related or not (but it 
seems unlikely).

>ls -ltr haskell_packages\bin
total 18004
-rwxrwxrwx   1 user     group     4066816 Jan 21 11:38 cabal.exe
-rwxrwxrwx   1 user     group    13649408 Jan 21 11:39 haddock.exe
-rwxrwxrwx   1 user     group      718336 Jan 21 11:39 HsColour.exe

> We'll need more help to understand and fix this one. I think the right
> solution will be that we do not copy permissions at all but either set
> permissions to precise values or do nothing and use defaults. On Unix we

That seems the correct thing to do. Let me know if you need any more 


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