Storable and constant memory

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Fri Apr 23 02:49:49 EDT 2010


| Alas, this doesn't work for Data.Vector.Storable. Here, we have to use peek
| which gives us this:
| foo v x = ... foo v (Just (case readIntOffAddr# p# i# realWorld# of { (# s#,
| n# #) ->
|                            case touch# fp s# of { _ -> I# n# }})) ...
| SpecConstr eliminates the Just but can't unbox the Int.

But it should be able to unbox that Int.  It's not dissimilar to the situation when we have a rule
	f (g x)  --->  e
and we find an expression
	f (let w = rhs in g w)
The rule-matcher automatically floats the let, so that it behaves just as if you'd written
	let w = rhs in f (g w)
So the rule fires.

In this case you have an ok-for-speculation primop instead of a let, but that should not get in the way. In your example, it should jolly well behave as if you had written

| foo v x = ... case readIntOffAddr# p# i# realWorld# of { (# s#,  n# #) ->
|               case touch# fp s# of { _ -> 
                foo v (Just (I# n# }})) ...

I'll implement that fix.  It should catch cases like this where the primops involves are
	- ok-for-speculation
	- have just one result (ie only one case alternative

Can you send me a small test case that will show the difference?


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