Making decisions

Andreas Abel andreas.abel at
Thu May 23 13:39:33 CEST 2013

On 23.05.2013 10:13, Shachaf Ben-Kiki wrote:
> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 3:48 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones
> <simonpj at> wrote:
>> Is that what others feel, or are you all happy?   My proposal would be to form a Library Tsars committee, that
>> * Takes ownership of the "GHC HQ" libraries
>> * Also owns any global library issues; ones that can't be resolved
>>      by a single maintainer
>> Like any maintainer the Library Tsars would be expected to follow the guidance on the wiki (responsiveness, consultation, etc).  But they could actually decide things.
> +1


The library Tsars should have some 'executive' capabilities, i.e., some 
resources to actually implement small to medium changes which they 
approve.  Of course, implementation can be delegated, but the Tsars 
should be a driving force.

Andreas Abel  <><      Du bist der geliebte Mensch.

Theoretical Computer Science, University of Munich
Oettingenstr. 67, D-80538 Munich, GERMANY

andreas.abel at

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