Module reexports at the package level

Joachim Breitner mail
Fri Oct 4 10:33:43 UTC 2013


Am Freitag, den 04.10.2013, 13:05 +0300 schrieb Roman Cheplyaka:
> I have two concerns about versioning:
> 1. Suppose that package-a re-exports Data.Bar from package-b starting
>    from package-a-2.0 and package-b-2.0. This means that we shouldn't
>    prevent packages to be built with package-a-1.0 and package-b-2.0,
>    because that would result in a duplicate module Data.Bar.

you mean ?should?, right?

I?m not sure if I understand your example. Does package-a-1.0 provide
Data.Bar? Are you sure that this is not covered by the PVP?

> 2. If package-b has a major API change, it would bump its version, say,
>    to 3.0. package-a still has version 2.0, but now it re-exports a
>    completely different API.

Good point. But package-a depends on package-b, and hence a major API
bump in package-b will require at least a new minor version of
packaga-a. It is then the obligation of the author of package-a to check
if the API changes affect the re-exported packages (and I hope that
eventually we?ll have tools that help with that).


Joachim ?nomeata? Breitner
  mail at ?
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