[nhc-bugs] Error reading interface files

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace@cs.york.ac.uk
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 14:26:05 +0000

> instance Arrow (->) where	{- This is the problem spot -}
>    arr = id
> Fail: In file ./Arrow.hi:
> 4:17 Found (Prelude.->) but expected a )

Ok, patch below.  With this patch, nhc98 will now also accept the
qualified use of -> in a source file, e.g.

    instance Arrow (Prelude.->) where
        arr = id


Index: src/compiler98/Parse2.hs
RCS file: /usr/src/master/nhc/src/compiler98/Parse2.hs,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -r1.12 Parse2.hs
--- src/compiler98/Parse2.hs	2001/10/17 12:53:47	1.12
+++ src/compiler98/Parse2.hs	2001/11/08 14:18:37
@@ -224,6 +224,8 @@
     mkAppInst `parseAp` conid `ap` many varid
+    (\pos-> TypeCons pos t_Arrow []) `parseAp` k_rarrow
+        `orelse`
 --    (TypeCons noPos (t_Tuple 0) []) `parseChk` lpar `chk` rpar
 --        `orelse`
     parse (TypeCons noPos (t_Tuple 0) [])
Index: src/compiler98/ParseLex.hs
RCS file: /usr/src/master/nhc/src/compiler98/ParseLex.hs,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 ParseLex.hs
--- src/compiler98/ParseLex.hs	2000/10/18 12:43:25	1.3
+++ src/compiler98/ParseLex.hs	2001/11/08 14:18:37
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 import Lexical
 import Syntax(Lit(..),Boxed(..),Exp(..),Alt,Pat(..),Decls,Context,Type,Stmt,Field)
 import ParseLib
-import TokenId(TokenId,isUnit,t_Bang,tprefix,tas,tunboxed,tprimitive,t_Tuple,
-               tforall,tdot,
-               t_foreign,t_export,t_ccall,t_stdcall,t_unsafe,t_cast,t_noproto)
+import TokenId(TokenId,isUnit,t_Bang,tprefix,tas,tunboxed,tprimitive,t_Tuple
+              ,tforall,tdot,t_Arrow
+              ,t_foreign,t_export,t_ccall,t_stdcall,t_unsafe,t_cast,t_noproto)
 lit a = literal (a::Lex)
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 k_as = lvarid tas "as"
 k_forall = lvarid tforall "forall"
 k_dot = lvarop tdot "dot"
+k_rarrow = lvarop t_Arrow "->"
 -- "special" identifiers for FFI which are not (all) language keywords.
 k_foreign = lvarid t_foreign "foreign"