[web-devel] using YesodJquery with other jquery plugins

Greg Weber greg at gregweber.info
Fri Dec 24 13:32:42 CET 2010

Hi Max,

I have:

instance YesodJquery APPNAME where
  urlJqueryJs _ = Left $ StaticR js_jquery_1_4_4_min_js
  urlJqueryUiJs _ = Left $ StaticR js_jquery_ui_1_8_6_custom_min_js
  urlJqueryUiCss _ = Left $ StaticR css_jquery_ui_1_8_6_custom_css

instance Yesod APPNAME where
  defaultLayout widget = do
    mmsg <- getMessage
    y <- getYesod
    pc <- widgetToPageContent $ do
        addWidget widget
        addScriptEither $ urlJqueryJs y
        addScriptEither $ urlJqueryUiJs y
        addStylesheetEither $ urlJqueryUiCss y


This kind of system should fix your problems. This does seem
like unnecessary boiler plate though.

Greg Weber
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