[Xmonad] Xinerama & switching workspaces

Dave Harrison dave at nullcube.com
Sun Jun 10 05:18:21 EDT 2007

Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
> dave:
>> Spencer Janssen wrote:
>>> You should try GreedyView in XMonadContrib.  Let me know how you like
>>> it -- I've been considering making this the default behavior for some
>>> time now.
>>>> And, is there a better way to find something on another workspace ?
>>> Hmm, not sure about this one.  Maybe write a little script for
>>> XMonadContrib that pipes window names to dmenu and gives the selected
>>> window focus?
>> Hi Spencer,
>> I can't seem to find any doc in the code on how I should change the
>> switching method over to use greedy view, I've imported it, where do I
>> need to make the change ?
> You'd rebind the call to 'view' in Config.hs, to be greedyView, I think.
> Something like:
>     [((m .|. modMask, k), f i)
>         | (i, k) <- zip [0 .. fromIntegral workspaces - 1] [xK_1 ..]
>         , (f, m) <- [(view, 0), (shift, shiftMask)]]
>                       ^^^^
> would be replaced with greedyView, so that mod-1..n calls that instead.
> If that's indeed the fix, can you submit a documentation patch to
> GreedyView.hs, illustrating how to call it?
> -- Don

Hi Don,

That did the trick.  I've attached the patch to this email (having
never generated a darcs patch before I'm not 100% if it's correct, but
it seems to be :-) )


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