[xmonad] The future of Decoartion

David Chanters david.chanters at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 8 04:24:57 EST 2008

On 06/02/2008, Don Stewart <dons at galois.com> wrote:
> brianchina60221:
> > On Feb 6, 2008 5:50 PM, Andrea Rossato <mailing_list at istitutocolli.org> wrote:
> > > Some of you may be thinking I'm just rewriting Ion3 in Haskell... my
> > > screen shots could even lead you to think I'm *not* using xmonad at
> > > all...;)
> >
> > Sorry to be a little off-topic, but if we're bringing back Ion's
> > features, let's please talk about the idea of having empty panes, ones
> > that don't have clients. For some reason, xmonad seems obsessed with
> > the dwmish idea of resizing everything every time a new application is
> > stopped or started. I find this disconcerting, and it's troublesome
> > for all the remote ncurses applications that have to resize.
> I think that would be a relatively easy extension to write, fwiw.

How easy?  i've been wanting something like this for ages now.  i like
the 'tiled' layout but hate the fact that when i close clients, or
float them, that the rest of the tiled windows resize as a result.

What i also note is the simplefloat layout modifier does this -- i.e.,
i float clients and nothing else is recomputed in the tiled layout --
but i do not know how to take that component and add it for the tiled
layout -- is there a transform for it?  Empty pane or something?

i dont mind trying to write this extension, but i would need heavy
pointers as to where to look.  :)


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