[xmonad] darcs patch: Add Layout.Diagonal the start of a floating layout

Andrea Rossato mailing_list at istitutocolli.org
Fri Jan 18 14:51:50 EST 2008


this is the floatinglayout I was talking about in my previous message.

This is not complete: it will place the windows on the screen
diagonal, and it will assign a new position to the any new window (and
not to the old ones). 

This is just a proof of concept, if you want, to show you the
possibility of using a layout modifier (WindowArranger)as a UI for
moving/resizing windows.

Maybe this could be considered an evidence of the lack of need of a
floating layer? I'm not sure. I had some spare time, and I was willing
to play with the type system, nothing more...;)


Fri Jan 18 20:18:34 CET 2008  Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato at unibz.it>
  * Add Layout.Diagonal the start of a floating layout
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