[xmonad] Bluetile

Adam Vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 17:57:48 EDT 2009

* On Friday, August 28 2009, Gwern Branwen wrote:

>That's interesting. I see that the guts of it, defaultKeysDescr, take
>the copying approach, though, and don't reuse the original Config. But
>after all, if you're willing to copy, then a much easier approach is
>possible - have a Config which is [((Keymask,KeySym), String, X())]...

That could work too, and would probably be better, given the type errors
you can get with the NamedActions module (ie. add an instance for xyz,
or ambigous type variables).

I guess you could support expanding submaps as putting their
descriptions on different lines in the String... but would that
generalize to nested submaps?


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