[xmonad] Call for xmonad.hs

Gwern Branwen gwern0 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 11:31:24 EST 2009

2008/10/22 Andrew Sackville-West <andrew at swclan.homelinux.org>:
> I think it is reasonable to organize the configs into separate pages
> or sections for darcs, current release, previous releases. The reality
> is that *some* people will be using older versions, no matter what you
> do. And with xmonad in more and more distributions, that problem will
> just grow. Catering to those folks who don't want to wander too far
> from their base distro by archiving config samples for older versions
> make sense, to me.
> Also, an archive of configs and (hopefully) screenshots provides a
> nice little bit of history.
> All that said, just keeping the shadow users in mind is probably
> adequate.
> A

Andrew, how is the current system on
http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Config_archive ? I reorganized it a bit
a while ago into 2 main sections, current/darcs XMonad* & older
versions. It also seems to have plenty of screenshots.

* Since usually the latest release isn't much out of sync with darcs, after all


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