[xmonad] Using TwoPane

Amy de Buitléir amy at nualeargais.ie
Wed Oct 28 08:39:49 EDT 2009

Hi Magnus,

2009/10/28 Magnus Therning <magnus at therning.org>
I start three terminals, t1, t2 and t3, I then switch to TwoPane and
> have a screen showing t1 and t2 (t1|t2).  What I want is to have t1
> next to t3, so I jump through the windows until I have t1|t3.
> However, if I now want to switch focus to t1 I can't seem do that
> without changing what windows are visible, however I do it I end up
> with t1|t2.  What I have to do is get t3 over to the master area, then
> jump through until I have t3|t1.  I have to redo the same steps if I
> after that want to switch focus to t3.

I'm using DragPane, but I had the same problem. What works for me is to make
sure the focus is in the master area, and then use Alt-Tab until the app I
want is in the other pane.

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