[xmonad] darcs patch: PerWindowKbdLayout

Konstantin Sobolev konstantin.sobolev at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 19:00:44 EDT 2010

>> Does this patch still have warnings with ghc-6.12 with respect to the
>> #include, (that it no longer has any effect, though hsc2hs needs it, as
>> there seems to be no good way to pass it the appropriate --include flag)
>> or did you address that?
> Still has problems with #include on 6.12. I don't know how to get rid
> of it, sorry.

Just tried under 6.12.1 - and xmonad-contrib builds cleanly with it!
However, if I try to run hsc2hs and then ghc on this file separately -
then yes, the warning is there, together with 2 other warnins about
discarded do-notation statements that don't even exist in my source:

/usr/local/bin/ghc -Wall -c PerWindowKbdLayout.hs

    Warning: -#include is deprecated: No longer has any effect

    Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type CInt.
             Suppress this warning by saying "_ <- xkbGetState
                                                     d (256) stRecPtr",
             or by using the flag -fno-warn-unused-do-bind

    Warning: A do-notation statement discarded a result of type Maybe
             Suppress this warning by saying "_ <- ($)
                                                     traverse update
fmap W.focus mst",
             or by using the flag -fno-warn-unused-do-bind

Which makes me think that running ghc on this file separately like
this isn't valid. If this is really important,
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecated-flags #-} removes the #include warning.

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