[xmonad] darcs patch: Additional messages for SplitGrid layout (and 3 more)

Norbert Zeh nzeh at cs.dal.ca
Thu Nov 10 17:25:42 CET 2011

4 patches for repository http://code.haskell.org/XMonadContrib:

Tue Dec 15 15:21:42 AST 2009  Norbert Zeh <nzeh at cs.dal.ca>
  * Additional messages for SplitGrid layout
  This patch introduces two new message SetMasterRows and SetMasterCols for the
  X.GridVariants.SplitGrid layout, which set the number of rows/columns in the
  master grid to the given value.  This is useful when setting the number of rows
  and/or columns non-incrementally using an interface such as GridSelect.

Wed Apr  6 11:02:13 ADT 2011  Norbert Zeh <nzeh at cs.dal.ca>
  * Support for scratchpad applications with multiple windows
  I recently found that I use xpad to add sticky notes to my desktop.  I wanted
  to be able to show/hide these in the same fashion as regular scratchpads.  This
  patch adds a function that allows to do this while reusing most of the existing
  NamedScratchpad code.

Wed Sep  7 10:33:04 ADT 2011  nzeh at cs.dal.ca
  * Better control over GridVariants geometry
  Added new messages the layout understands to allow changing the grid aspect
  ratio and setting the fraction of the master to a given value rather than
  changing it relative to the current value.

Thu Nov 10 12:17:01 AST 2011  Norbert Zeh <nzeh at cs.dal.ca>
  * X.A.Navigation2D
  This is a new module to support directional navigation across multiple screens.
  As such it is related to X.A.WindowNavigation and X.L.WindowNavigation, but it
  is more general.  For a detailed discussion of the differences, see

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