[xmonad] udiskie+consolekit and still unauthorized access

Robert Sawko robertsawko at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 02:56:39 CET 2012

Dear All,

I am a fresh user of xmonad. A month ago I installed Arch and decided to 
give xmonad a try. So far the experience was great and I really don't 
feel like "coming back" at least when it comes to personal computer.

I believe I can already do most of the things I need to do, but now I am 
trying to make the system a bit more convenient. One of the things on my 
todo list is automounting file system

It has to be said that I got a little bit stuck with that. I would like 
to use udiskie. I read on Arch websites about permissions and necessity 
of installing consolekit.

I've done that and currently my last line of .xinitrc is

exec ck-launch-session bash -c "udiskie&  dwm"

Unfortunately when I run this my log files show only
failed to mount device /org/freedesktop/Udisks/devices/sdb1: org.freedesktop.Udisks.Error.PermissionDenied: Not Authorized

What am I doing wrong? I have a feeling that I am missing something important. Have you been able to run xmonad together with udiskie. Any hints or assistance will be greatly appreciated. By the way, are there any better alternatives?


PS I have also checked that the storage option works for me, although CDs are not automounted still.

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