[xmonad] Using EwmhDesktops with IntelliJ (or maybe any Java Swing app?)

Brett Hoerner brett at bretthoerner.com
Thu May 2 15:54:26 CEST 2013

Does anyone have this working?

I have two modes I manually flip between now:

  myConfig = ewmh defaultConfig [...snip...]
  With this, I get normal desktop hints such as opening links will focus my
browser, apps like Shutter that take full screen images work, etc. However,
if I launch IntelliJ it opens as plain background and never "loads" any of
the UI. If I Mod+Shift+C it, the exit dialogue does popup, so it is running
and does respond to something.

  myConfig = defaultConfig [...snip...]
  Without ewmh, I don't get browser focus, Shutter can't take desktop
screenshots, but IntelliJ works flawlessly.

Does anyone have a fix for this, even a hack? Maybe some way to run ewmh
but blacklist IntelliJ "out" of it?

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