[Yhc] I think my buildbot is working, only it has an error now

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 07:35:58 EDT 2007

Hi Isaac

> http://www.indiegigs.co.uk:8010/linux_ppc/builds/112/step-yhc/0
> scons: *** Source `depends/play/Data/Generics/PlayInternal.hi' not
> found, needed by target `depends/play/Data/Generics/Play.o'.  Stop.
> scons: building terminated because of errors.

Fixed, my fault - I changed Play (the library) and didn't update Yhc
which relies on the Soncscript.

> Is the buildbot infrastructure surviving?

The buildbot infrastructure is fine, the compiler has taken a bit of a
knock with moving to new dependencies - because fps vs bytestring
requires GHC 6.8 and extensions to .cabal which haven't been written
yet to work properly... I'm considering reverting the move to binary,
or writing a version-neutral wrapper for the time being.



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