- 1 General
- 1.1 haskell.org
- 1.2 #haskell
- 1.3 The Haskell HaWiki
- 1.4 Books and tutorials
- 1.4.1 New textbook – Programming in Haskell
- 1.4.2 hs-manpage-howto(7hs)
- 1.5 Haskell related events
- 1.5.1 Past events
- The Succ Zeroth IOHCC
- ICFP Programming Contest 2004
- AFP 2004
- 1.5.2 Future events
- 2 Implementations
- 2.1 The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
- 2.2 Hugs
- 2.3 nhc98
- 2.4 Haskell-Clean Compiler
- 2.5 Haskell to Clean Translation
- 2.6 Variations of Haskell
- 2.6.1 Haskell on handheld devices
- 2.6.2 Helium
- 2.6.3 Educational Domain Specific Languages
- 2.6.4 Vital: Visual Interactive Programming
- 2.6.5 hOp
- 2.6.6 Agda: An Interactive Proof Editor
- 2.6.7 Epigram
- 3 Language Extensions
- 3.1 Foreign Function Interface
- 3.2 Non-sequential Programming
- 3.2.1 GpH – Glasgow Parallel Haskell
- 3.2.2 GdH – Glasgow Distributed Haskell &Mobile Haskell
- 3.2.3 Eden
- 3.2.4 HCPN – Haskell-Coloured Petri Nets
- 3.3 Type System/Program Analysis
- 3.3.1 Chameleon
- 3.3.2 Constraint Based Type Inferencing at Utrecht
- 3.3.3 EHC, ‘Essential Haskell’ Compiler
- 3.4 Generic Programming
- 3.5 Arrow notation
- 4 Libraries
- 4.1 Packaging and Distribution
- 4.1.1 Hackage and Cabal (formerly the Library Infrastructure Project)
- 4.1.2 LicensedPreludeExts
- 4.1.3 Haskel User Submitted Libraries (haskell-libs)
- 4.2 General libraries
- 4.2.1 Pesco.Cmdline – a command line parser /= GNU getopt
- 4.2.2 System.Time: a redesigned Time library
- 4.2.3 A redesigned IO library
- 4.2.4 System.Process: a platform-independent API for external process control
- 4.2.5 The Haskell Cryptographic Library
- 4.2.6 Numeric prelude
- 4.2.7 Haskore revision
- 4.2.8 Yampa
- 4.2.9 The revamped monad transformer library
- 4.2.10 HBase
- 4.2.11 Pointless Haskell
- 4.2.12 hs-plugins
- 4.2.13 MissingH
- 4.3 Parsing and transforming
- 4.3.1 Parsec
- 4.3.2 Strafunski
- 4.3.3 Medina – Metrics for Haskell
- 4.4 Data handling
- 4.4.1 DData
- 4.4.2 A library for strongly typed heterogeneous collections
- 4.4.3 HSQL
- 4.4.4 Takusen
- 4.4.5 HaskellDB
- 4.5 User interfaces
- 4.5.1 The Common GUI API effort
- 4.5.2 wxHaskell
- 4.5.3 FunctionalForms
- 4.5.4 HToolkit
- 4.5.5 gtk2hs – A binding to the Gtk GUI library version 2.0–2.4.
- 4.5.6 HTk
- 4.5.7 Fudgets
- 4.6 Graphics
- 4.6.1 HSX11, HGL, and Win32
- 4.6.2 HOpenGL – A Haskell Binding for OpenGL and GLUT
- 4.6.3 Pancito
- 4.7 Web and XML programming
- 4.7.1 Halipeto
- 4.7.2 HaXml
- 4.7.3 Haskell XML Toolbox
- 4.7.4 WASH/CGI – Web Authoring System for Haskell
- 4.7.5 GXS – The Generic XML Serializer
- 4.7.6 XML Schema
- 4.7.7 SOAP/1.1 and WSDL/1.1
- 4.7.8 Haskell XML-RPC
- 5 Tools
- 5.1 Foreign Function Interfacing
- 5.1.1 GreenCard
- 5.1.2 C–>Haskell
- 5.1.3 JVM Bridge
- 5.1.4 PHI – Python Haskell Interface
- 5.1.5 HOC: A Haskell to Objective-C binding
- 5.2 Scanning, Parsing, Analysis
- 5.2.1 Alex version 2
- 5.2.2 Happy
- 5.2.3 HaLex
- 5.2.4 LRC
- 5.2.5 Sdf2Haskell
- 5.2.6 HaGLR
- 5.2.7 DrHylo
- 5.3 Transformations
- 5.3.1 The Programatica Project
- 5.3.2 Term Rewriting Tools written in Haskell
- 5.3.3 Ultra
- 5.3.4 Hare – The Haskell Refactorer
- 5.3.5 VooDooM
- 5.3.6 LVM-OPT
- 5.4 Testing and Debugging
- 5.4.1 Tracing and Debugging
- 5.4.2 Hat
- 5.4.3 buddha
- 5.4.4 QuickCheck
- 5.4.5 HUnit
- 5.5 Development
- 5.5.1 hmake
- 5.5.2 cpphs
- 5.5.3 Visual Studio support for Haskell
- 5.5.4 Haskell support for the Eclipse IDE
- 5.5.5 Haddock
- 6 Applications
- 6.1 Non-commercial applications
- 6.1.1 HScheme
- 6.1.2 Curryspondence
- 6.1.3 lambdabot
- 6.1.4 HWS-WP
- 6.1.5 Hircules, an irc client
- 6.1.6 Darcs
- 6.1.7 Yarrow
- 6.1.8 HasLaTeX
- 6.1.9 DoCon, the Algebraic Domain Constructor
- 6.1.10 lhs2TeX
- 6.1.11 Audio signal processing
- 6.1.12 Converting knowledge-bases with Haskell
- 6.1.13 NetEdit
- 6.1.14 riot
- 6.1.15 Flippi
- 6.1.16 Postmaster ESMTP Server
- 6.1.17 yi
- 6.2 Commercial users
- 6.2.1 Reid Consulting Ltd
- 6.2.2 Galois Connections, Inc.
- 6.2.3 Aetion Technologies LLC
- 6.3 Haskell in Education
- 6.3.1 Haskell in Education at Universidade de Minho
- 7 Groups
- 7.1 Research Groups
- 7.1.1 Artificial Intelligence and Software Technology at JWG-University Frankfurt
- 7.1.2 Formal Methods at Bremen University
- 7.1.3 Functional Programming at Brooklyn College, City University of New York
- 7.1.4 Functional Programming at Macquarie University
- 7.1.5 Functional Programming at the University of Kent
- 7.1.6 Parallel and Distributed Functional Languages Research Group at Heriot-Watt University
- 7.1.7 Programming Languages & Systems at UNSW
- 7.1.8 Logic and Formal Methods group at the Informatics Department of the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
- 7.1.9 The Computer Systems Design Laboratory at the University of Kansas
- 7.1.10 Cover: Combining Verification Methods
- 7.2 Other groups
- 7.2.1 Debian Users
- 7.2.2 Haskell packages for Fedora Core
- 7.2.3 OpenBSD Haskell
- 7.2.4 Haskell in Gentoo Linux
- 8 Individual Haskellers
- 8.1 Oleg’s Mini tutorials and assorted small projects
- 8.2 Graham Klyne
- 8.3 Krasimir Angelov
- 8.4 Alain Crémieux
- 8.5 Inductive Inference
- 8.6 Bioinformatics tools