Examples/Read Double

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Efficiently read to and from a CDouble.

{-# OPTIONS -ffi #-}

import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8      as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base       as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import System.IO.Unsafe


-- read a Double from a lazy ByteString
-- 'read' should be a pure operation, right??
readDouble :: ByteString -> Double
readDouble ls = unsafePerformIO $ B.useAsCString s $ \cstr ->
    realToFrac `fmap` c_strtod cstr nullPtr
    s = B.concat . L.toChunks $ ls

foreign import ccall unsafe "static stdlib.h strtod" c_strtod
    :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> IO CDouble

-- show a Double into a lazy bytestring

showDouble :: Double -> ByteString
showDouble d = L.fromChunks . return . unsafePerformIO . B.createAndTrim lim $  \p ->
    B.useAsCString fmt $ \cfmt -> do
        n <- c_printf_double (castPtr p) (fromIntegral lim) cfmt (realToFrac d)
        return (min lim (fromIntegral n)) -- snprintf might truncate
    lim = 100 -- n.b.
    fmt = B.pack "%f"

foreign import ccall unsafe "static stdio.h snprintf" 
    c_printf_double :: Ptr CChar -> CSize -> Ptr CChar -> CDouble -> IO CInt


-- And sum lazy bytestring doubles read from stdin
-- Using packed writes to output as well.
main = do L.interact $ showDouble . sum . map readDouble . L.lines
          putStrLn ""

Calls into C.