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< Yhc
Revision as of 22:20, 4 December 2006 by HenkJanVanTuyl (talk | contribs) (Added description of environment variables YHC_BASE_PATH and PATH)
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Command syntax:

 yhc [options] file

file: Name of the source file to compile, i.e. main.hs options: a list of options

 -flag           turn on an option
 -noflag         turn off an option
 -flag value     pass a value as the flag

Path Options:

 -I -includes str   Include directories
 -P -preludes str   Prelude directories
 -d -dst str        destination path for generated bytecode files (default=.)
 -i -hidst str      destinated path for generated .hi file (default=.)
 -w -wrapdst str    destination path for generated FFI wrapper (default=.)
    -hide           hide object files (default=off)

Generation Options:

    -hat            compile with Hat debugging support (default=off)
    -dotnet         Generate .NET IL code (default=off)
 -W -genwrapper     generate FFI wrapper (default=off)
    -hi-suffix str  change the default ".hi" suffix (default=hi)
    -exportall      export all identifiers from a module, despite what the 
                    export list says (default=off)

Action Flags:

    -viewcore str   View Core file (.ycr)
 -c -compile        Compile one file only (default=off)

Compilation Options:

    -redefine       Don't complain if redefining an imported identifier 
    -unix           Use unix file names (default=on)
    -unlit          Unliterate the source code (default=off)
    -cpp            Pre-process the file first (default=off)
    -prelude        Keep prelude definitions in interface file (default=off)
    -lib            Compiling a lib, don't complain if importing modules with 
                    names that differs from their filename. (default=off)
    -unifyhack      Enable nasty type hack that's needed to make the prelude 
                    compile ... (default=off)

Compliance Options:

    -underscore     Enable H'98 underscore-is-lower-case (default=off)
    -puns           Enable pre-98 named-field puns (default=on)
    -98             Haskell 98 compliance (default=off)

Help Options:

 -v -version        Show version information (default=off)
 -? -help           Show all options and useage information (default=off)

Core Options:

    -core           generate a .ycr binary file (default=off)
    -showcore       show the Core language (default=off)
    -linkcore       generate a linked .yca binary file (default=off)

Debug Options:

    -lex            show lexical input (default=off)
    -parse          show syntax tree after parser (default=off)
    -need           show need table before import (default=off)
    -ineed          show need table after import (default=off)
    -irename        show rename table after import (default=off)
    -iineed         show need table between all import files (default=off)
    -iirename       show rename table between all imports (default=off)
    -rename         show syntax tree after rename (default=off)
    -derive         show syntax tree after derive (default=off)
    -remove         show syntax tree after fields are removed (translated into 
                    selectors) (default=off)
    -scc            show syntax tree after splitting into strongly connected 
                    groups (default=off)
    -type           show syntax tree after type check (default=off)
    -fixsyntax      show syntax tree after removing newtype constructors and 
                    fixing Class.Type.metod (default=off)
    -lift           show syntax tree after lambda lifting (default=off)
    -case           show stg tree after simplification of patterns 
    -prim           show stg tree after inserting primitive functions 
    -bcodecompile   show B code after compile (default=off)
    -bcodemem       show B code after heap usage analysis (default=off)
    -bcodeflatten   show B code after flattening (default=off)
    -bcoderel       show B code after converting to relative jumps 
    -keepcase       Don't lift case, we fix those later (default=off)
    -arity          show stg tree after arity (default=off)
    -ibound         show symbol table after import (default=off)
    -iibound        show symbol table between all import files (default=off)
    -rbound         show symbol table after rename (default=off)
    -dbound         show symbol table after derive (default=off)
    -pbound         show symbol table after inserting primitive functions 
    -ebound         show symbol table after extract (default=off)
    -tbound         show symbol table after type check (default=off)
    -fsbound        show symbol table after adding Class.Type.method info 
    -lbound         show symbol table after lambda lifting (default=off)
    -cbound         show symbol table after simplification of pattern 
    -abound         show symbol table after only atoms in applications 
    -import         print name of imported files (default=off)
    -depend         print imported identifiers that are used (not even alpha 
                    yet) (default=off)
    -free           show stg tree with explicitly free variables (default=off)
    -atom           show stg tree after only atoms in applications 
    -funnames       insert position and name of functions in the code 
    -ilex           show lexical input (default=off)
    -report-imports show only imports actually used (default=off)
    -showtype       report type of "main" (default=off)
    -showwidth num  set width for showing intermediate program (default=80)
    -showindent num set indentation for nesting (default=2)
    -showqualified  show qualified ids as far as possible (default=on)

Environment variables:

    YHC_BASE_PATH   The path to the Yhc compiler base directory
    PATH            The search path is used to find the compiler,
                    if YHC_BASE_PATH is not specified