Hugs 98 provides the same Haskell Hierarchical Libraries as GHC, except for the functions listed here.
(The numbers refer to the list of excuses below.)
Module | Missing functions |
Control.Concurrent | myThreadId, killThread, throwTo, threadDelay, threadWaitRead, threadWaitWrite, mergeIO, nmergeIO1, rtsSupportsBoundThreads, forkOS, isCurrentThreadBound, runInBoundThread, runInUnboundThread2 |
Control.Concurrent.MVar | addMVarFinalizer1 |
Control.Exception | throwTo, throwDynTo2, setUncaughtExceptionHandler, getUncaughtExceptionHandler |
Control.Parallel.Strategies | omitted module1 |
Data.Generics | omitted module3 |
Data.Generics.* | omitted modules3 |
Data.IORef | mkWeakIORef1 |
Foreign.ForeignPtr | finalizeForeignPtr |
Foreign.Concurrent | omitted module1 |
System.Console.Readline | omitted module4 |
System.Console.SimpleLineEditor | omitted module4 |
System.Environment | getEnvironment |
System.IO | hGetBufNonBlocking, hPutBufNonBlocking5, hSetFileSize, hShow, openTempFile, openBinaryTempFile |
System.Posix.Process | forkProcess6 |
System.Posix.Signals | installHandler1, setStoppedChildFlag, queryStoppedChildFlag |
System.Process | omitted module6 |
Text.Read | readPrec, readListPrec, readListDefault, readListPrecDefault7 |