package hashes

Edward Z. Yang ezyang at
Mon Nov 3 09:10:19 UTC 2014

So, there seem to be two things going on here:

1. For some reason, your checkout thinks that the package key is
unambiguous, whereas all the checkouts I've run it on think it
is ambiguous, and thus must be qualified.  I actually can't
reproduce your version of the error, but it seems harmless.
I think the right thing to do here is force GHC to always print
fully qualified; I suspect one of the DynFlags will do it for us.

2. But the test seems to be gaining a new entry entirely, what gives?
Well, the test-case is using grep to pull out the part of --show-iface that
it cares about.  However, --show-iface is using the pretty-printing
combinators, so when a field is sufficiently long it spills over to the
next line, and it isn't picked up by grep.  So the test here is actually
a bit broken.  I think if we force GHC to have infinite columns
that will fix the second problem.


Excerpts from Simon Peyton Jones's message of 2014-10-30 08:26:45 -0700:
> Edward
> On branch wip/new-flatten-skolems-Oct14, I'm getting this test failure repeatably on test safePkgO1.  I'm pretty sure I have done nothing to mess with package hashes!
> Any ideas?
> Simon
> =====> safePkg01(normal) 108 of 120 [0, 0, 0]
> cd ./check/pkg01 && $MAKE -s --no-print-directory safePkg01 VANILLA=--enable-library-vanilla PROF=--disable-library-profiling DYN=--enable-shared    </dev/null > 2>
> Actual stdout output differs from expected:
> --- ./check/pkg01/safePkg01.stdout   2014-10-29 15:09:16.000000000 +0000
> +++ ./check/pkg01/       2014-10-30 15:25:17.799094762 +0000
> @@ -29,17 +29,17 @@
> require own pkg trusted: True
>  M_SafePkg6
> -package dependencies: array- at array_<HASH>
> +package dependencies: array- base-*
> trusted: trustworthy
> require own pkg trusted: False
>  M_SafePkg7
> -package dependencies: array- at array_<HASH>
> +package dependencies: array- base-*
> trusted: safe
> require own pkg trusted: False
>  M_SafePkg8
> -package dependencies: array- at array_<HASH>
> +package dependencies: array- base-
> trusted: trustworthy
> require own pkg trusted: False

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