Arrow Libraries (arrows package)ParentContentsIndex
Portability non-portable (multi-parameter type classes)
Stability experimental
State transformers
State readers
Monoid writers
Synchronous circuits

Subclasses of Arrow providing additional operations.

The signatures are designed to be compatible with the proposed notation for arrows, cf.

class Arrow a => ArrowState s a | a -> s where
fetch :: a e s
store :: a s ()
class Arrow a => ArrowReader r a | a -> r where
readState :: a b r
newReader :: a e b -> a (e, r) b
class (Monoid w, Arrow a) => ArrowWriter w a | a -> w where
write :: a w ()
newWriter :: a e b -> a e (b, w)
class Arrow a => ArrowError ex a | a -> ex where
raise :: a ex b
handle :: a e b -> a (e, ex) b -> a e b
tryInUnless :: a e b -> a (e, b) c -> a (e, ex) c -> a e c
newError :: a e b -> a e (Either ex b)
tryInUnlessDefault :: (ArrowError ex a, ArrowChoice a) => a e b -> a (e, b) c -> a (e, ex) c -> a e c
class ArrowLoop a => ArrowCircuit a where
delay :: b -> a b b

The arrow classes defined in this module have names like ArrowFoo, and contain operations specific to such arrows. Some of these include a method newFoo, which maps computations to computations of the same arrow type, but exposing some of the internals of the arrow.

Arrow transformers have names like BarArrow, and are instances of appropriate arrow classes. For each arrow transformer, there is typically an encapsulation operator runBar that removes that transformer from the outside of an arrow type. The lift method of the ArrowTransformer class adds an arrow transformer to the outside of an arrow type.

Typically a composite arrow type is built by applying a series of arrow transformers to a base arrow (usually either a function arrow or a Kleisli arrow. The lift method and the runBar function operate only on the arrow transformer at the top of this stack. For more sophisticated manipulation of this stack of arrow transformers, many arrow transformers provide an ArrowAddBar class, with methods methods liftBar and elimBar to add and remove the transformer anywhere in the stack.

State transformers
class Arrow a => ArrowState s a | a -> s where
An arrow type that provides a modifiable state, based of section 9 of Generalising Monads to Arrows, by John Hughes, Science of Computer Programming 37:67-111, May 2000.
fetch :: a e s
Obtain the current value of the state.
store :: a s ()
Assign a new value to the state.
ArrowState s a => ArrowState s (Automaton a)
(ArrowState s a, ArrowChoice a) => ArrowState s (ErrorArrow ex a)
ArrowState s a => ArrowState s (ReaderArrow r a)
Arrow a => ArrowState s (StateArrow s a)
(ArrowState s a, Sequence f) => ArrowState s (StaticArrow f a)
ArrowState s a => ArrowState s (StreamArrow a)
(ArrowState s a, Monoid w) => ArrowState s (WriterArrow w a)
State readers
class Arrow a => ArrowReader r a | a -> r where
An arrow type that provides a read-only state (an environment). If you also need to modify the state, use ArrowState.
readState :: a b r
Obtain the current value of the state.
newReader :: a e b -> a (e, r) b

Run a subcomputation in the same arrow, but with a different environment. The environment of the outer computation is unaffected.

Typical usage in arrow notation:

	proc p -> ...
		(|newReader cmd|) env
ArrowReader r a => ArrowReader r (Automaton a)
(ArrowReader r a, ArrowChoice a) => ArrowReader r (ErrorArrow ex a)
Arrow a => ArrowReader r (ReaderArrow r a)
ArrowReader r a => ArrowReader r (StateArrow s a)
(ArrowReader r a, Sequence f) => ArrowReader r (StaticArrow f a)
(ArrowReader r a, Monoid w) => ArrowReader r (WriterArrow w a)
Monoid writers
class (Monoid w, Arrow a) => ArrowWriter w a | a -> w where
An arrow type that collects additional output (of some Monoid type).
write :: a w ()
Add a piece of additional output.
newWriter :: a e b -> a e (b, w)

Run a subcomputation in the same arrow, making its additional output accessible.

Typical usage in arrow notation:

	proc p -> do
		(value, output) <- (|newWriter cmd|)
ArrowWriter s a => ArrowWriter s (ReaderArrow r a)
ArrowWriter w a => ArrowWriter w (Automaton a)
(ArrowWriter w a, ArrowChoice a) => ArrowWriter w (ErrorArrow ex a)
ArrowWriter w a => ArrowWriter w (StateArrow s a)
(ArrowWriter w a, Sequence f) => ArrowWriter w (StaticArrow f a)
ArrowWriter w a => ArrowWriter w (StreamArrow a)
(Arrow a, Monoid w) => ArrowWriter w (WriterArrow w a)
class Arrow a => ArrowError ex a | a -> ex where

An arrow type that includes errors (or exceptions).

Minimal definition: raise and tryInUnless.

TODO: the operations here are inconsistent with other arrow transformers.

raise :: a ex b
Raise an error.
:: a e bcomputation that may raise errors
-> a (e, ex) bcomputation to handle errors
-> a e b

Traditional exception construct.

Typical usage in arrow notation:

	proc p -> ...
		body `handle` \ex -> handler
:: a e bcomputation that may raise errors
-> a (e, b) ccomputation to receive successful results
-> a (e, ex) ccomputation to handle errors
-> a e c

Exception construct in the style of Exceptional Syntax, by Nick Benton and Andrew Kennedy, JFP 11(4):395-410, July 2001.

Typical usage in arrow notation:

	proc p -> ...
			(\res -> success)
			(\ex -> handler)
newError :: a e b -> a e (Either ex b)
Handler that returns the error as a value.
ArrowChoice a => ArrowError ex (ErrorArrow ex a)
ArrowError ex a => ArrowError ex (ReaderArrow r a)
ArrowError ex a => ArrowError ex (StateArrow s a)
(ArrowError ex a, Sequence f) => ArrowError ex (StaticArrow f a)
(ArrowError ex a, Monoid w) => ArrowError ex (WriterArrow w a)
ArrowError r a => ArrowError r (Automaton a)
:: (ArrowError ex a, ArrowChoice a)
=> a e bcomputation that may raise errors
-> a (e, b) ccomputation to receive successful results
-> a (e, ex) ccomputation to handle errors
-> a e c
A suitable value for tryInUnless when the arrow type belongs to ArrowChoice. To use it, you must define either handle or newError.
Synchronous circuits
class ArrowLoop a => ArrowCircuit a where
An arrow type that can be used to interpret synchronous circuits.
:: bthe value to return initially.
-> a b ban arrow that propagates its input with a one-tick delay.
A delay component.
ArrowLoop a => ArrowCircuit (Automaton a)
ArrowCircuit a => ArrowCircuit (ReaderArrow r a)
ArrowCircuit a => ArrowCircuit (StateArrow s a)
(ArrowCircuit a, Sequence f) => ArrowCircuit (StaticArrow f a)
ArrowLoop a => ArrowCircuit (StreamArrow a)
(ArrowCircuit a, Monoid w) => ArrowCircuit (WriterArrow w a)
Produced by Haddock version 0.5