GHC 6.8 release plans

Ian Lynagh igloo at
Thu Aug 9 11:01:01 EDT 2007

Hi all,

This is just to let you know our plans for the first release of the
up-coming 6.8 branch (which will be called 6.8.1).

We are aiming to have a release candidate by the end of August, with all
the high priority bugs milestoned for 6.8 fixed:

If there are any other bugs that you think are critical for 6.8.1, then
please make your case and add yourself to the bug's CC list now!

We intend to drop support for Win9x, as we are unable to test it. I
understand that the OS itself is no longer supported, and the small
number of Win9x users remaining can continue to use the older GHC
releases. However, if anyone feels strongly that Win9x support should be
continued, and is willing to lead the effort to maintain and test it,
then we will of course be willing to help out with any problems that

We expect that the release of 6.8.1 will follow, around the end of


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